The Journal of the Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (JOM) Highlights Former MSE Professor R. H. Bragg
In the latest edition of JOM, Olivia D. Underwood and Cyril L. Williams highlight the work and career of Professor Robert Henry "Pete" Bragg Jr. - an African American pioneer in X-ray crystallography and diffraction and materials characterization. The article gives a brief history of Professor Bragg's life and career, including his time at Berkeley where he served as Chair of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering and had an appointment at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. The article notes that he was the first African American to hold such a position and that Prof. Bragg led concerted efforts to diversify the faculty and students - including overseeing key diversity programs like the prestigious Chancellor's Minority Fellowships. It is a very nice celebration of Prof. Bragg's life and contributions.