Faculty (Return to Catalina Estrada)
Undergraduate Students (Return to Main Office)
Graduate Students (Return to Julia Shefcik)
- Final Program of Study for PhD-White Card
- Tentative Program of Study for PhD-Blue Card
- Program of Study for M.S.-Pink Card
- Completion of MS Degree-Plan II
Reimbursement Forms
- For Travel and Entertainment Reimbursements, please submit requests via the ERSO Intranet
PATH to Care Center
Report or get support for an incident or act of intolerance, hate, harassment or exclusion. (link to campus page: https://diversity.
PATH to Care Center: Support survivors and promote prevention of sexual violence and sexual harassment.
University Health Services offers a number of resources to help you get well and stay healthy, including healthy eating tips, drug and alcohol counseling, violence prevention, sexual health counseling and and general health coaching.
The Disabled Students’ Program (DSP) is committed to ensuring that all students with disabilities have equal access to educational opportunities at UC Berkeley. They offer a wide range of services for students with disabilities. These services are individually designed, and based on the specific needs of each student as identified by their Disability Specialists.
Are you stressed out?
The Tang Center offers many resources, including free counseling for students, faculty and staff, and help dealing with your stress through UC Berkeley’s Be Well To Do Well program.
Additional Resources:
Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP)
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
Peer Support Providers (PSPs)
Recreational Sports
Cal Adventures
Room Keys
Room Reservations
For 290 HMMB and HMMB Lobby reservations, please go to the online reservation system and availability calendar.
310 and 390 HMMB are General Assignment classrooms and can be reserved for special events after hours through the Registrar’s Office.
Safety Manuals and Forms
Building Emergency Plan for HMMB
Emergency Phone Numbers
- Fire – Police – Ambulance: 9-911
- from campus-only phones, dial 2-3333
- UC Police non-emergency 24 hour service: 642-6760
- Office of Emergency Preparedness
- Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) 642-3073
- hazardous spills, radiation safety, general information
- HMMB Building Manager - Michael Pierce
The department cares about the well-being of all our students, researchers, staff, and faculty. The department affirms support for safe and professional working environments for all members of the community and hopes that all members of our community strive to live up to the UC Statement of Ethical Values and Standards of Ethical Conduct that represents a succinct statement of our Campus’ shared values. While all members of the Campus community are expected to abide by these guidelines, additional codes of conduct exist for faculty and students that further expand these guidelines and expectations
The department values the initiative of its members who identify and speak up about potential problems that need to be addressed. To this end, the department encourages members of our community to report suspected violations of the codes of conduct and/or University policies. There are many existing ways one can seek advice on or report such matters, including:
- Contact the Berkeley Division of Student Affairs Ombuds Office for Students and Postdoctoral Appointees. This office is designed to be the first step, the last resort, or anything in between in obtaining assistance sorting through a campus-related conflict or concern. The Ombudsperson will listen to an individual’s concerns, serve as a sounding board, discuss options with that individual, and help that individual get a new perspective and determine the next steps to take. This includes referring students and postdocs to appropriate campus services and resources. The office is strictly confidential.
- Via the Berkeley “People and Culture” organization which provides detailed information as well as ways of reporting in appropriate behavior in the workplace.
- Via the Berkeley Diversity webpage’s “Report and Incident” page. This resource provides ways to report many events. The system will direct an individual to a University of California-wide reporting system where one can directly make a report.
- Contact the Student Advocate’s Office. This Office houses caseworkers with a range of experiences and expertise covering everything from academic, financial, conduct, and so-called grievance concerns. The Grievance Division would be a place such concerns could be raised.
Contact Us
Department offices are located in 210 Hearst Memorial Mining Building, in the Northeast corner of campus.
Department of Materials Science and Engineering | |
210 Hearst Memorial Mining Building University of California Berkeley, CA 94720-1760 |
Phone: (510) 642-3801 Fax: (510) 643-5792 |