In Memory of Colonel Paul Newman Spencer

We are sorry to note that the department has lost a long-time employee and friend. Colonel
Paul Newman Spencer passed away at the end of 2019 after joining the department some 42
years earlier. Paul retired from the Air Force in 1973 after 34 years of distinguished service
having flown a B25 Bomber in WW II, and later a F-111 in which he broke the speed of sound
barrier three times. In 1977, Paul embarked upon his second career, and joined MSE as a
student. After obtaining his Masters of Science degree from MSE, he then served as a Research
Scientist and later, as a Principal Development Engineer working from Prof. Earl Parker. Paul
worked for Earl and Prof. Vic Zackay until Prof. Zackay retired in 1981, and then continued to
work for Prof. Ritchie on a part-time basis until his retirement around 2013. Col. Spencer led a
full and admirable life. We are very happy that he chose to contribute his considerable talents
to MSE, and the department is better for his efforts. He will be missed.
Contact Us
Department offices are located in 210 Hearst Memorial Mining Building, in the Northeast corner of campus.
Department of Materials Science and Engineering | |
210 Hearst Memorial Mining Building University of California Berkeley, CA 94720-1760 |
Phone: (510) 642-3801 Fax: (510) 643-5792 |